Indian Auteur: November, Issue no-7
TABLE OF CONTENT : NOVEMBER 25th- December 25th Issue no:7 E-Magazine Archive (article available on the web from this issue) AUTEUR The Legend of Herr Zolka: Anuj Malhotra COVER STORY Paradise Lost : Kshitiz Anand Cinephilia in India : Nitesh Rohit Porgramming a film festival : Sachin Gandhi Seeing is Believing : Supriya Suri Cinephile, Adjectiv- Cinephilia in Romania : Anamaria Dobincuic Winds From The East : Sagorika Singha Multiplexes, Millions& Wood : Anuj Malhotra Interview Adrian Martin World Cinema The Space Race: Gautam Valluri Reviews Crossing The Bridge: Gautam Valluri Deep in the Valley: Anuj Malhotra Inglourious Bastards: Gautam Valluri Animal Town: Supriya Suri EDITORIAL: “The Cinephile is an orphan who chooses to be kidnapped by a rather special passer-by who launches him, but not just any old way, on his apprenticeship in the world” Serge Daney My father was one of the lucky few in his college years who had a bicycle, and he f...